Time to place students at the heart of learning

BRUSSELS – How can Europe improve teaching and learning? What are the effects of European higher education reforms on students across Europe and how can we promote and value again active citizenship, intercultural understanding and human rights education?
BRUSSELS – How can Europe improve teaching and learning? What are the effects of European higher education reforms on students across Europe and how can we promote and value again active citizenship, intercultural understanding and human rights education?
To answer these questions, the 30th European Students’ Convention will
gather in Brussels over 100 student representatives from over 38
European countries between 28th and 30th
September. Participants will discuss along with EU policy-makers, NGOs
and higher education professionals the effects of European higher
education reforms on learning and teaching and how to apply the
student-centred learning approach. Mr Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for
Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, European Commission will also
attend the conference on 29th September.
It’s time to position students in the driving seat of the learning experience. The passive transmission of knowledge has proved to be ineffective. Instead, the student-centred learning approach aims to develop learner autonomy and independence in constructing meaning from new information and prior experience.
New framework for assessing student-centred institutions
During the European Students’ Union Convention, participants will gain insights into the main outcome of the PASCL project - a newly developed framework of criteria for conducting peer-assessment of the –student-centeredness of higher education institutions. This framework will be used to award a label to institutions fulfilling the criteria.
“We are happy to see that student-centred learning is also a priority in the Bologna Process, as reflected not only in the Yerevan Communiqué but also on the revised European Standards and Guidelines for quality assurance or the new ECST users’ guide. ESU’s PASCL Project, which will be presented during the European Students’ Convention, aims to assist in implementing sound Student-Centered Learning strategies and approaches at institutional level and to foster a culture of student-centred learning in higher education institutions across Europe. “ says Fernando Galan, Chairperson of the European Students’ Union
It’s time to position students in the driving seat of the learning experience. The passive transmission of knowledge has proved to be ineffective. Instead, the student-centred learning approach aims to develop learner autonomy and independence in constructing meaning from new information and prior experience.
New framework for assessing student-centred institutions
During the European Students’ Union Convention, participants will gain insights into the main outcome of the PASCL project - a newly developed framework of criteria for conducting peer-assessment of the –student-centeredness of higher education institutions. This framework will be used to award a label to institutions fulfilling the criteria.
“We are happy to see that student-centred learning is also a priority in the Bologna Process, as reflected not only in the Yerevan Communiqué but also on the revised European Standards and Guidelines for quality assurance or the new ECST users’ guide. ESU’s PASCL Project, which will be presented during the European Students’ Convention, aims to assist in implementing sound Student-Centered Learning strategies and approaches at institutional level and to foster a culture of student-centred learning in higher education institutions across Europe. “ says Fernando Galan, Chairperson of the European Students’ Union
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