Paris meeting yields climate agreement
December 12, delegates to the United Nations climate change meeting
outside Paris, France, came to a final agreement. They agreed to curb
the worst effects of climate change by limiting global warming to “well
below” 2° Celsius (3.4° Fahrenheit). Representatives of 195 countries
agreed to the new blueprint for action.

For perspective, last year, the average temperature across all land and ocean surfaces was 0.69 °C (1.24 °F) above the 20th century average. And that fever was about 0.8 °C
(1.4 °F) higher than before heavy use of fossil fuels began in the
1700s. Now, 2015 is on track to be even warmer still. That’s according
to a November announcement by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
hopes of achieving that limit on global warming, the new Paris accord
lays out a “roadmap” — or guidelines — for how societies should change
how they use energy, preserve carbon-storing trees and more. The
document came together after more than a week of late-night debates at
the meeting and years of behind-the-scenes discussions across the globe.
The new agreement asks nations to work toward kicking their fossil-fuel habit. It even holds out the prospect that world leaders will act on an even more ambitious goal at some future date: limiting global warming to an increase of no more than 1.5 °C above temperatures typical of before the Industrial Revolution began. That started back in the mid-1700s.
even with the new agreement in hand, countries will not find it easy to
comply with the new goals. Individual countries will have to swap out
energy sources that emit lots of greenhouse gases — namely coal, oil and
natural gas — for lower-emitting alternatives such as wind, solar and
nuclear power. Engineers around the world are also developing new
technologies that pull greenhouse gases from the air. These are not yet
ready to roll out. But when they are, they could cut overall increases
in atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gases to near zero. The earliest
that might occur: probably well after 2050.
new Paris accord asks countries to release their long-term plans to cut
emissions within the next five years. Every five years after that,
countries must measure their progress and then set new policies, as
needed, to make sure their carbon-cutting goals stay in line with
curbing the increase in global warming.
countries of the world include the United States, Canada, and most
nations in Western Europe. They are being asked to reverse the rise in
carbon emissions as soon as possible. Largely rural and non-industrial
nations are being given more time before they will have to start cutting
back their use of fossil fuels. Such countries include Bangladesh,
Ethiopia and Rwanda. Richer nations also have pledged to help out those
less-developed nations. Industrial nations will provide them information
on and access to cleaner technologies. They also will set up a
$100-billion-a-year fund by 2020 to help pay for changing the way
less-developed countries use energy.
took hard work, grit and guts, but countries have finally united around
a historic agreement,” says Jennifer Morgan. She’s a climate policy
expert with the World Resources Institute. That research group is based
in Washington, D.C. The new Paris accord “marks a turning point on the
climate crisis,” Morgan says. Moreover, she adds, it “is both ambitious
and powered by the voices of the most vulnerable.”
(Story continues below graph)

NOAA/ Nat’l Centers for Environmental Information
Earlier attempts at such an agreement: unsuccessful
United Nations’ Environment Programme is based in Nairobi, Kenya. It
has been hosting annual meetings to address climate change. The Paris
meeting was the 21st of these. Efforts at some of its past
meetings proved notable. A 1997 event in Japan, for instance, yielded
the Kyoto Protocol (named for the city where it was put together). This
treaty set the first major guidelines for nations to use in drafting
common laws for limiting greenhouse-gas emissions.
most of the negotiators that agreed to work on those laws never got
their governments back home to enact such laws. So 12 years later the
team meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, tried to create a stronger
document. In the end, it fell short.
In the mean time, the planet has just gotten warmer and warmer.
experts have been warning that society is running out of time to avoid
catastrophe. Over the last few decades, human activities such as
fossil-fuel use have spiked the level of heat-trapping gases in Earth’s
atmosphere. Carbon dioxide levels in air have risen from about 280 parts
per million in 1880 to 400 parts per million earlier this year. That
rise has helped boost the planet’s average annual temperature by about 1
°C. But that warming isn’t uniform. It’s been happening faster over land and in the Arctic.
In May, scientists also warned that unabated climate change would threaten one in six species with extinction.
average global warming to just 2 °C won’t prevent climate-related
problems in the future. Moreover, scientists don’t expect there will be
an abrupt rise in disasters once a 2-degree threshold is crossed. Still,
as temperatures rise, the effects of climate change will increase
rapidly, says Richard Alley. He’s a climate scientist at Pennsylvania
State University in State College.
degree of warming costs more than the previous one,” he notes. One
degree of warming is largely within the natural variability of Earth’s
climate for most places. But once you get to 2 °C, he says, “you start to move outside of familiar territory.”
Should the measures be stronger?
delegates at the Paris meeting had argued for setting a far more
ambitious goal. They had hoped to hold the global increase in warming to
no more than 1.5 °C by 2100. Small island nations in the Indian Ocean
and Pacific had argued that a warming of 2 °C could raise sea levels
enough to wipe large portions of their countries off the map.
African nations such as Sudan and Angola also got behind the 1.5-degree
goal. They already face a very high risk of drought and extreme heat.
Any further warming, they argued, would only make things far worse.
new Paris deal invites the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change to put together a special report by 2018. It will study
the likely impacts of a global warming of just 1.5 degrees above
pre-industrial levels.

good news: The efforts of many countries are already showing some
benefits. The Global Carbon Project reported on December 7 that the
world’s carbon footprint shrank by about 0.6 percent
in 2015. It attributed that in large part to China’s efforts. If
confirmed, that reduction in global emissions will be the first ever
during a period of economic growth. Part of China’s motivation
may not be warming. Heavy coal use throughout China has led to dramatic
air pollution that darkens the skies and leaves people coughing and with
burning throats and eyes.
on December 8, China’s capital city of Beijing ground to a halt.
Activities all but shut down after city leaders issued the country’s
first “red alert” for pollution. This alert forced local schools and
factories to close.
And this is not the first time air pollution there has been very bad.

Timothy Tolle/Flickr (CC-BY 2.0)
recently started investing heavily in wind, solar and nuclear power,
notes Kerry Emanuel. He’s an atmospheric scientist at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in Cambridge. But China is moving away from coal
“for health reasons, not just because they want to be good global
citizens,” Kerry says.
Regardless of why it’s doing so, China’s big and ongoing switch to these cleaner energy sources has made an impact.
The Paris deal isn’t legal — yet
negotiators at the climate conference set up the outlines of a new
treaty — rules that could have the effect of law. But those rules don’t,
and won’t, actually become law in a country until its leaders make it
so. The U.S. Congress or other country’s parliaments, for instance, must
ratify the new accord and then give it the rule of law.
Next, these countries will have to figure out how each will go about cutting its carbon emissions.
many U.S. lawmakers have already said they have no plans to do that.
The United States signed onto the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, but the agreement
got mixed up in politics and Congress never ratified it. So it was
never given the force of law there. Recently, Republicans in Congress
have signaled that they will similarly block any new climate deal by
denying it funding.
“Let me be very clear — this Congress will not approve a cent of [money] for the Green Climate Fund,” said Sen. Jim Inhofe. A powerful Oklahoma Republican, he chairs the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
with the new Paris accord, the world is now on a safer path, says
Andrew Steer. He’s president of the World Resources Institute. “The
shift from commitment into action will be even harder and take even more
determination. But for today at least, we rest a little easier knowing
that the world will be stronger and safer for our children and future
Margaret Leinen agrees. She
is president of the American Geophysical Union. Her organization
represents more than 60,000 Earth and space scientists worldwide. “Today,
we congratulate global leaders for taking a historic step to combat
climate change by finalizing the Paris Agreement," she said in a formal
scientists called for action on climate change in 2003, she notes. Ten
years later, they did that again. Back in 2013, Leinen points out, those
scientists argued that “human-induced climate change requires urgent
action.” Finally, she says, world leaders have “recognized that climate
change and its effects are real and serious.” And, she adds, they've
pledged to move toward that much-needed global action.
Power Words
A formal agreement between two or more groups, usually nations.
A region that falls within the
Arctic Circle. The edge of that circle is defined as the northernmost
point at which the sun is visible on the northern winter solstice and
the southernmost point at which the midnight sun can be seen on the
northern summer solstice.
The envelope of gases surrounding Earth or another planet.
science) A term for the arithmetic mean, which is the sum of a group of
numbers that is then divided by the size of the group.
carbon dioxide
colorless, odorless gas given off as a byproduct of respiration or the
burning of some carbon-containing fuel. This gas is produced by all
animals when the oxygen they inhale reacts with the carbon-rich foods
that they’ve eaten. Carbon dioxide also acts as a greenhouse gas,
trapping heat in Earth’s atmosphere. Plants convert carbon dioxide into
oxygen during photosynthesis, the process they use to make their own
The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
climate change
significant change in the climate of Earth. It can happen naturally or
in response to human activities, including the burning of fossil fuels
and clearing of forests.
computer model
A program that runs on a computer that creates a model, or simulation, of a real-world feature, phenomenon or event.
An extended period of abnormally low rainfall; a shortage of water resulting from this.
economics (adj. economic)
The social science that deals with the production,
distribution and consumption of goods and services and with the theory
and management of economies or economic systems. A person who studies
economics is an economist.
economic development
Policies aimed at improving
the lives of people through changes in their income and quality of life
(as measured by improvements in their health, safety, education and
A person who uses science to solve problems. As a verb, to engineer means to design a device, material or process that will solve some problem or unmet need.
fossil fuel
Any fuel —
such as coal, petroleum (crude oil) or natural gas — that has developed
in the Earth over millions of years from the decayed remains of
bacteria, plants or animals.
global warming
The gradual
increase in the overall temperature of Earth’s atmosphere due to the
greenhouse effect. This effect is caused by increased levels of carbon
dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and other gases in the air, many of them
released by human activity.
greenhouse gas
A gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing heat. Carbon dioxide is one example of a greenhouse gas.
greenhouse effect
warming of Earth’s atmosphere due to the buildup of heat-trapping
gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane. Scientists refer to these
pollutants as greenhouse gases. The greenhouse effect also can occur in
smaller environments. For instance, when cars are left in the sun, the
incoming sunlight turns to heat, becomes trapped inside and quickly can
make the indoor temperature a health risk.
Industrial Revolution
A period of time around 1750
that was marked by new manufacturing processes and a switch from wood to
coal and other fossil fuels as a main source of energy.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC.
This international group keeps tabs on the
newest published research on climate and on how ecosystems are
responding to it. The United Nations Environment Programme and the World
Meteorological Organization jointly created the IPCC in 1988. Their aim
was to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current
state of knowledge in climate change and its potential environmental and
social impacts.
renewable energy
Energy from a source that is not depleted by use, such as hydropower (water), wind power or solar power.
Having to do with the sun, including the light and energy it gives off.
A formal agreement that two
or more sovereign powers (usually countries or tribal nations) have
adopted, giving its provisions the force of law.
United Nations Environment Program
One of the many specialized agencies of the United Nations, this one
is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. Created in 1972, its role is to
serve “as the voice” within the United Nations for the wise and
sustainable use of resources throughout the world. It also works to
educate people on these issues and to trigger action as necessary to
protect the environment.
Great one, really nice... could be helpful I hope