Students against cuts on educational systems - Jadugai Students Corner

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Friday, 11 December 2015


Students against cuts on educational systems

Students against cuts on educational systems


The Danish government has recently announced cuts on the educational system, equivalent to 1.16 billion € spread over the next four years. The cuts concern both the higher education and the upper secondary education, which have already faced huge cuts in the past years. Some of the educations are lacking serious funding, which has lead to only a minimum of classes during a week.

Based on those cuts, 30 different student unions, upper secondary student unions and trade unions have formed an alliance directly translated as “The Educational Alliance” in an attempt to stop the cuts. The alliance has already announced demonstrations in the two biggest cities, and will for the next three weeks make a lot of actions in the streets, write debate-articles and discuss the consequences with the Danish people.

What we have heard until now from teachers and principals is that teachers will be fired, there will be less classes, less feedback, less study trips, less help with homework, etc. A lot of consequences, which all would seriously damage the quality of all of our educational systems.

Unfortunately, those cuts are only seen in Denmark during those years. In most of the European countries, students face serious cuts on their educational system in the aftermath of the financial crisis. The politicians make the students - the future of our countries - pay for the damages made by “too-big-to-fail-banks”, big corporations and naive politicians. Instead of making us pay, why not invest even more in our educations, giving knowledge to all of the young people and raising the standard of living for our generation?

The educational system is one of the most important things in a society. This is where we teach the youth how to act in society, where we educate people to think in a critical way and where we are able to shape our future. Without the educational system, we would never move forward in achieving a better and wealthier world.

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