Celebrating Human Rights Day! - Jadugai Students Corner

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Wednesday, 16 December 2015


Celebrating Human Rights Day!

Celebrating Human Rights Day!


Today, 10 December, the European Students' Union is celebrating the International Human RIghts Day. On this occasion, we encourage all students to speak up for their rights and fight all forms of discrimination, xenophobia and hate speech on their campuses and beyond.

Education is a human right and a public responsibility and inclusive societies cannot be achieved without taking into consideration underrrepresented groups and students in vulnerable situations, such as refugees. We stand in solidarity with students facing repressions by their governments and administrations, with those fleeing war in search for a better future in Europe and with all students no matter their age, gender, sexual orientation or nationality.

Every action is important in achieving more egalitarian societies, so don't hesitate to take action now! You can be creative in using social media and inspiring debates, for instance:

- produce memes
- write blog articles
- organise local events with young people
- create and sign petitions etc

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