Opportunities for debate are being denied to students because a minority
believe that shutting down the debate is akin to winning, writes Rod
University campuses: training grounds for each generation’s best and brightest. Bastions of free speech, radical thought and centres for progressive change - or at least they used to be.
Unfortunately, the recent decision by the University of Manchester’s
students' union to ban radical feminist Julie Bindel and right wing
provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos from participating in a union debate on
free speech, is just another example of the ludicrous "Stepford student" culture - a term coined by journalist Brendan O'Neill - that is engulfing our universities.
The event, ironically entitled: “From liberation to censorship: does
modern feminism have a problem with free speech?” had originally been
intended to provoke a challenging debate among open minded students.
However, following outcries from sections of Manchester’s student
cohort, who accused Ms Bindel of transphobia, her involvement was
declared unsuitable as it broke the unions “safe space policy”.
Freedom of speech carries a burden of responsibility which shouldn’t be overlooked.
Miss Lishak’s comments were in relation to Ms Bindel’s article in the Guardian from 2004 in which she wrote: “I don't have a problem with men disposing of their genitals, but it does not make them women, in the same way that shoving a bit of vacuum hose down your 501s does not make you a man.”
Undoubtedly some contentious views. But why ban her from the debate?
So she has some difficult to stomach views, it doesn’t change the fact that she’s been a lifelong contributor to the feminist cause, and could rightly be regarded as an expert in her field. By all standards a good addition to a healthy debate.
Miss Lishak, went on to say in the Facebook post: “If this were about silencing people we happen to disagree with or avoiding uncomfortable conversations, we would be denying the application for Milo Yiannopoulos to speak.”
Mr Yiannopoulos was subsequently banned from speaking. If it wasn’t so depressing it would be hilarious.
I’m not for a minute suggesting that we should offer a platform to any and every rabble-rouser with strong views and a big mouth. Freedom of speech carries a burden of responsibility which shouldn’t be overlooked.
But It is not up to unions to start creating their own laws and policing which views are acceptable and which are not.
The government has rightly revised its position on the so called Prevent Duty legislation which ensures that hate preachers are forbidden from spreading their views amongst students.
David Cameron will now name and shame universities who regularly afford a platform to extremist preachers. While universities are now legally required to conduct a proper risk assessment to prevent extremists radicalizing students.
But this wasn’t extremism or hate preaching, it was two speakers with some uncomfortable opinions.
The dangerous issue in this instance is that in banning Julie Bindel from speaking, the union was then open to accusations of hypocrisy for allowing Milo Yiannopoulos to keep his platform - so then he was banned too.
Clearly a very dangerous precedent to set in terms of free speech on campus.
It is genuinely such a shame that the union execs could not seem to understand how important debate and confronting contrary opinions is - choosing instead to huddle together beneath a blanket of consensus.
Debate helps to shape, reinforce and challenge our preexisting beliefs and notions, making it a fundamental part of learning.
The views of Ms Bindel and Mr Yiannopoulos shouldn’t be something we insulate ourselves from, they are something we should embrace wholeheartedly – even if we fundamentally disagree with them.
"As students we need to be intelligent enough to comprehend a view
in direct contrast to our own and be robust enough to counter it."
The same applies to Cambridge University who are now to hold a referendum on whether to allow Julian Assange to participate in a debate next month. Ditto to Warwick’s student union who banned Maryam Namazie, the vocal secularist, from speaking in a debate on Islam last month.
Just let them speak. Providing they pass the universities legally required risk assessment process, then allow them their platform. As students we need to be intelligent enough to comprehend a view in direct contrast to our own and be robust enough to counter it.
The truth is most students aren’t frightened of challenging radical opinions. But these opportunities are being denied to us because some overzealous students believe that shutting down the debate is akin to winning the debate.
In the end, all logic is lost when what matters is who shouts loudest. So lets now put a stop to the vocal minority ruining it for our silent majority.
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